Day 4- Make new friends but keep the old

Tonight I had dinner with an old friend. It was the usual fanfare- wine, food, and conversation. I think because I’m in the mode of slicing this month, I’m constantly observing my thoughts. Throughout dinner I was reminded of how important friendships are: old or new.

I learned the mantra ‘make new friends but keep the old’ when I was a young girl in Girl Scouts. I am often reminded of that mantra.

So, today, I dedicate this slice to my old friend, colleague, boss, Carla. You will always be gold in my eyes.

Day 3- Retail Therapy

There are many things that can cure the end of a long day. A glass of wine. A favorite tv show. A conversation with a friend. But nothing cures the end of a long day like a little retail therapy.

Today I pushed a cart up and down the aisles in Target. Nothing says therapy like kleenex, toothpaste, and toilet paper.

With list in hand, I still manage to stroll up and down each aisle. For me, the therapy begins with the clothing section-what new dress can I add to my work collection? Then it’s on to the basics: kleenex, toothpaste, and toilet paper. I can literally feel the tension melt off my shoulders as I place each item into the red cart.

The best therapy is when you spot the thing you’ve been looking for forever!  Today, I found the perfect set of trash cans for the bedroom. Yep, trash cans.

Day 2- It’s hard to be the partner

My boyfriend is a smart businessman who recently got laid off and is seeking employment. Although, he’s optimistic, I can tell that this is weighing on him. It’s hard to be the partner.

My grandfather has dementia. My grandmother is the caretaker. She tells me life is ok but I can tell his dementia is weighing on her. It’s hard to be the partner.

How habitual are you?

I practiced yoga today. Each time I practice I gain something- a good workout, relief from a stressful day, a clear mind. I look forward to Sunday yoga (yoga church day, my favorite instructor calls it). In addition to a good workout and a clear mind, I often ponder the message or the theme the instructor has set for the day. Today’s theme was about habits. “How habitual are you?” she asked. Sounds silly really. Isn’t it human nature to be habitual?

Her point wasn’t to say that we shouldn’t have habits. Her point was to say- do the habits we create for ourselves get in our way?

Today I had brunch with my brother and then went to the dog park with my boyfriend (all of this before yoga class). After the dog park I felt anxiety rush around me like cars speeding by on a busy highway. How will I get all my Sunday chores done? All the cleaning. The groceries. The laundry. Will I make it to yoga on time? What must I accomplish before I wake up Monday morning?

This is exactly what she was talking about. Here I was, just hours before yoga, doing the very thing she talked about. My Sunday’s are habitual. Too habitual, in fact.

So, how habitual are you?